Cover of latest edition
Learning to Use the World Wide Web
By Ernest C. Ackermann
Department of Computer Science
Mary Washington College
Fredericksburg, VA
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ISBN 1-887902-03-1 Netscape 2 Edition
ISBN 1-887902-20-1 Netscape 3 Edition
ISBN 1-887902-28-7 Netscape 4 Edition
Published by Franklin, Beedle & Associates (1-800-FBA-BOOK)
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This Web page is an electronic companion to the book Learning to Use the World Wide Web, by Ernest C. Ackermann . It contains links to all the Web resources, sites, and services mentioned throughout the book. Using this you can access the items mentioned in the book directly, without typing the long addresses or URLs for each item. Each item is listed under the chapter where it's mentioned, and, if it was used in one of the examples, under the title and number of the example. 

Virtual Table of Contents for Learning to Use the World Wide Web

The book contains several appendices.

From the Preface

The book is written for people who want to learn how to use Netscape Navigator to access the World Wide Web and how to get the most from the resources available on the Internet. No prior experience with the World Wide Web or the Internet is assumed. We pay some attention to why things work the way they do, but the emphasis is on how to learn to effectively use the World Wide Web and associated services in a step-by-step, organized manner. The book can be used for self study, or it can be used as a primary or supplemental text book in courses dealing with the Internet and the World Wide Web. 
Changes/corrections to the most recent version of the book.
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