Corrections/Modifications to Learning to Use the World Wide Web, ISBN 1-887902-28-7 Netscape 4 Edition, Ernest Ackermann. Published by Franklin, Beedle & Associates (1-800-FBA-BOOK)


Suggest modifications or corrections

Chapter 1

Page 31. Exercise 9. Change the name of the hyperlink from About the World Wide Web and the Web Community to About the Web .


Page 31. Exercise 11. Replace with:

11. Go to the World Wide Web Virtual Library using the URL Click on the hyperlink Humanities and then follow the link titled Archaeology. Describe what you find.

Chapter 2

Page 62. Under the WWW it ought to read

Suppose that while you’re browsing the Virtual Library, you select the category Humanities, then Archaeology and then you come upon the Web page ArchNet - Museums on the Web, , as shown in Figure 2.16.


Page 63.
Figure 2.16 ought to be labeled as Archnet - Museums on the Web

Page 72, Exercise 5. The URL ought to be changed to

Chapter 6

Page 174.
The URL for Lycos Top 5% should be

Page 200.
Exercise 9, part d. The third name ought to be Ingrid Zukerman.

Chapter 8

Page 283
Exercise 3.
culine isn't around anymore so replace that exercise with 3. You can use Telnet to get weather reports for cities in the U.S. and weather information about cities in other coun-tries. Use the URL telnet:// to start a Telnet session with the Weather underground at the University of Michigan. When you first contact the site, pressing Enter displays a full menu of options and keying in a three-letter city code displays the forecast for that city. a. The code for Dodge City, Kansas, is DDC. What's the forecast for Dodge City? b. What's the forecast for Orlando, Florida? c. What information does the Weather underground offer about cities in Central and South America?

Appendix E

Page 360. An introduction to Java applets may be found at "The WDVL: Introducing Java(TM) - Your First Applet",, by Diana Luckevich for the Web Developer's Virtual Library.

Page 379. THE JDK, Java Development Kit, is available form Sun through the URL a
The URL in Step 3. ought to also be

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Last modified: Thursday, October 1, 1998
Send Comments/Questions to Ernest Ackermann