This Web page is an electronic companion to the book Learning to Use the World Wide Web, by Ernest C. Ackermann . It contains links to the Internet resources, sites, and services mentioned in the text.
Please send any comments, questions or suggestions to the author at .
Netscape Navigator Preferences
Appendix B.

Tutorials about setting preferences

Excerpt from the handbook that talks about setting preferences for Navigator 3:

Handbook: Preferences Panels

Information from Netscape about

Security Preferences

Netscape has the capability, when used with encrypted messages and secure servers, to transmit and receive secure, private transactions. For more information on WWW security take a look at

Other Help pages

Changes/corrections to the most recent version of the book.
Some other places you may want to visit
Internet Today! Learning to Use the Internet Learning to Use the World Wide Web Searching and Researching on the World Wide Web

This is a Circle-A Production. © 1997, 1998, 1999 Ernest Ackermann
Please send comments/questions to

FROM the fortune list ...

The web of our life is of mingled yarn, good and ill together. - Shakespeare

FROM the fortune list ...

When it comes to computer security, paranoia is not enough. - Ralph Jones

since Nov 20, 1999.