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15 Things and 23 Things

Here is a list of IPL’s 15 Things along with info on the List of 23 Things. I think I might use these as the basis for the Internet class I’m teaching this summer. IPL 15 Things – IPL Wiki In honor of the IPL’s birthday at March 17, 2010, the IPL launched the IPL […]

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Links about Electronic Portfolios

Our department started talking about using electronic portfolios as part of our outcomes assessment procedures. Here are a few links. Electronic Portfolios: What Are They? (tags: assessment e-portfolios e-portfolio portfolio elearning documentation) Peer Review | Winter 2009 | E-portfolios at 2.0—Surveying the Field (tags: eportfolio)

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Rosetta Code and Prolog sites

In the final third of the course Organization of Programming Languages, CPSC 401, we discuss Prolog so that students have the opportunity to think about and work with a logic programming-type language. In looking for links for Prolog and comparative ways of programming I came across Rosetta Code, a site that shows implementations of various […]

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The Web’s Stories, Embedding Silicon Chips inside Human Cells, Google Chrome Videos

These links may not go too well together, but they are the some of the ones I was getting together for my class, Introduction to Computer Science, the other day. The first is another good TED talk. Jonathan HArris talks about ways to map, view the stories, blog entries on the Web. Very interesting stuff, […]

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Vanishing Privacy (NYT) & Net Aids Dictatorships (TED)

The first of these is an article that appeared in the New York Times on March 17, 2010. The article discusses how we expose our identities and characteristics on social networking sites, how that information can be aggregated and interpreted, and reiterates the maxim that essentially nothing is private on the Internet. The second is […]

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Being a programmer, Harnessing the wind, Tracking power outages- An agglomeration of links for Feb 12, 2010

Job snapshot: Programmer | View from the Cubicle | Interview of an IT programmer. Some reasonable information for students who might be interested in being a programmer. (tags: programming it job interview) William Kamkwamba: How I harnessed the wind | Video on Excelelnt and inspiring talk (tags: ted africa technology video) Check […]

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Online Python textbook

Invent with Python “”Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python” is a free e-Book that teaches you how to program in the Python programming language. Each chapter gives you the complete source code for a new game, and then teaches the programming concepts from the example.” (tags: gamedev pygame python ebook)

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Touch typing tutorials

I’ve never really learned how to touch type, and I feel limited because of it.  So I thought I’d try a few lessons.  Both of the sites below seem helpful. online free touch typing program | keyboarding tutor | Free Typing Games typing instructions and practice (tags: tutorial online lessons touchtyping typing) Free typing tutor […]

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Videos about computer hardware

We always spend about one class period in CPSC 110 discussing basic computer hardware, and I often have the students look at the video from How Stuff Works. It and few others are listed below. In addition to having students look at the videos I also brought in a couple of computers they could take […]

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IPL Wiki & Future of Education; links for 2010-01-05

Main Page – IPL Wiki A wiki for followers/members of ipl-2 (tags: internet web2.0 library wiki community ipl) Future Of Education: The Best 2009 Articles And Reports From MasterNewMedia A collection of articles about where education might be headed. (tags: education technology)

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