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Free Online Course Materials at MIT, The HigherEd Teaching and Learning Portal, a very nice collection of electronic literature

Here are three very nice resources that may seem disparite, but have lots in common. They all deal with sharing excellent sources that deal with creativity, teaching, and learning. Free Online Course Materials | OCW Scholar | MIT OpenCourseWare “OCW Scholar courses are designed for independent learners who have few additional resources available to them.” […]

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Cutting Off the Internet

Egypt’s Autocrats Exploited Internet’s Weaknesses – “But quickly lost in the swirl of revolution was the government’s ferocious counterattack, a dark achievement that many had thought impossible in the age of global connectedness. In a span of minutes just after midnight on Jan. 28, a technologically advanced, densely wired country with more than 20 […]

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Women as computers

Top Secret Rosies “In 1942, when computers were human and women were underestimated, a group of female mathematicians helped win a war and usher in the modern computer age. Sixty-five years later their story has finally been told. “ (tags: mathematics women history computing computers)

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AI, Gaming, and Adopting New Technologies links for 2011-02-07

What Is Artificial Intelligence? – “I.B.M.’s groundbreaking question-answering system, running on roughly 2,500 parallel processor cores, each able to perform up to 33 billion operations a second, is playing a pair of “Jeopardy!” matches against the show’s top two living players, to be aired on Feb. 14, 15 and 16. “ (tags: ai ibm […]

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Topics for Programming Languages

A few links to some topics we come across in CPSC 401, Organization of Programmgin Languages. The first oens deal with ALGOL and Scheme. These are followed by a link to a presentation about types. AThe last was added in June, 2011. All pretty good. Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Algol 60 The report […]

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An Agglomeration: How to Study & Wikipedia Turns 10!

Putting this together as two links I gathered on January 18, 2011, it seems that these have little to do with each other. The first si a link to a site that I occasionally point out to my students. it has some good advice, good arguments, and the occasional cartoon to make the case for […]

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ACM and IEEE Style

ACM SIG Proceedings Templates — Association for Computing Machinery “The official ACM Proceedings Format is available as templates in the following formats. WordWord PerfectWord Perfect 9 A CHOICE of LaTeX2e Styles! (tags: acm templates style writing) IEEE – Author Digital Tool Box “The IEEE Author Digital Toolbox contains tools and information to assist with article […]

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Robots and Warfare, NY Times Article

When I teach Introduction to Computer Science, CPSC 110, at UMW I often include some TED videos about robots. One of the videos, Rodney Brooks says robots will invade our lives,   deals with design of robots and shows off some capabilities of robots used in warfare. This article is a natural follow-up to that video, even […]

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Comparisons of Java and Python

YouTube – Bruce Eckel on Python, Java and Open Source Interview with Bruce Eckel (tags: bruceeckel python java comparison) Java and Python « Python Conquers The Universe On this page, I present a list of side-by-side comparisons of features of Java and Python. If you look at these comparisons, you can see why Python can […]

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Future of UI

John Underkoffler points to the future of UI | Video on (tags: ted interface gestures interaction computing gui hci 15:23)

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