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{ Category Archives } Searching and Researching

Revisiting the Free University

When I was a graduate student at a large university in the east in the early 1970’s, Thinking we were reinventing the world we had the experience of starting food co-ops, going to a free store – take or leave what you want with no charge, and developing or participating in the free university. The […]

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Links from Faculty Academy 2009-05-15

12 Companies Targeting Early Tech Adopters – ReadWriteWeb Our mission at ReadWriteWeb is to explore the latest Web technology products and trends. We’re fortunate to have a great group of sponsors who support this goal. So, once a week, we write a post about them; about who they are, what they do, and what they’ve […]

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Sematic email technologies & the State of Blogsearch

SEAmail: Applying Semantic Technology to Email – ReadWriteWeb In order to join a conversation, you’ve got to be able to find it first. Three years ago “blog search” was expected to be a booming industry, startups left and right developed different technologies and more than a few raised millions of dollars to help users search […]

links for 2009-01-07

Diplodocs – Find your user manual, user guide, instruction manual or owner manual instantly ! So much time wasted looking all over the place for the instruction manual to tune the tv-set, find the printer cartridge replacement how-to, the meaning of the blinking led on the dashboard. (tags: guide reference manuals lifehacks) Vapour Trails: Revisiting […]

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Podcasts: subscribing and finding

The term podcast, as  noun, comes from a contraction of the iPod and broadcast. Here’s the definition from the Oxford English Dictionary: A digital recording of a broadcast, made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or personal audio player. 2004 Cnet (Electronic text) 8 Oct., A network of bloggers is offering up ‘podcasts’or pre-recorded […]

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Multimedia on the Web, Future of the Internet, and Image Search Engineslinks for 2008-12-17

Digital Librarian: Audio, Video, Multimedia Multimedia Search Engines and Subject Directories (for audio and video): You can use Google or Yahoo to search for terms such as webcast, netcast, audio archive, audiocast, coursecast, cybercast, podcast, Internet broadcast, lecture series, archived audio, archived video, archived lectures, web media, multimedia, audio, audio archive, video archive, on demand, […]

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LOC & Glossaries links

General Collections Overview (Library of Congress Researchers) These materials are accessible through the Library of Congress Online Catalog and are served to researchers in the following reading rooms of the Library (tags: libray collection) Glossaries Over 2,500 Glossary Links (tags: glossary reference)

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