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{ Category Archives } Searching and Researching

Links from Chapter 3, Searching and Researching; Evaluating Information Found on the Web

Evaluating Internet Resources: An Annotated Guide to Selected Resources – BEOnline+ (Business Reference Services, Library of Congress) “There are numerous guides and checklists available on the subject of evaluating Internet resources. The present bibliography makes no attempt to be comprehensive, but rather to describe a number of such guides representing a variety of approaches, which […]

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Links from Chapter 2, Searching and Researching; Using the Web for Research

Google Labs – Explore Google’s New Ideas Where to find the new tools available from Google (tags: apps beta technology web2.0 innovation chapter2snr5) Quintura – visual search engine “Quintura is a visual search engine that gives users a search experience by providing related terms in “clouds” that you then click on to narrow results.” (tags: […]


Privacy and Copyright links

Privacy Law Is Outrun by Speed of Web’s Progress – “Many Internet companies and consumer advocates say the main law governing communication privacy — enacted in 1986, before cellphone and e-mail use was widespread, and before social networking was even conceived — is outdated, affording more protection to letters in a file cabinet than […]

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Links from Chapter 1 of Searching and Researching; Introduction to the Web

Ackermann’s Glossary Collection Collection of bookmarks to glossaries ont he Web, maintained by Ernest Ackermann (tags: chapter1snr5) African Studies Internet Resources (tags: chapter1snr5) Library of Congress Home (tags: chapter1snr5) Google (tags: chapter1snr5)


Ecommerce with PHP, Web Service, SEO for WordPress

Building an online Store In this article, we are going to create a simple, generic storefront, which we will later add to a shopping cart. (tags: php mysql ecommerce) Set Up an E-commerce Site Quickly with a WordPress Plug-in e-commerce with word-press (tags: ecommerce shop wordpress) Using PHP Encryption for Login Authentication Tutorial for encryption […]

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Bibliography of Research in Social Network Sites

Research on Social Network Sites “This page provides a bibliography of articles concerning social network sites. For an overview of this space, including a definition of “social network sites,” a history of SNSs, and a literature review, see boyd & Ellison’s 2007 introduction to the JCMC Special Issue on Social Network Sites, Social Network Sites: […]

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Open CourseWare Search

Here is a tool to use to search for open courseware. Find OpenCourseWare with OCW Search “OCW Search is a search engine dedicated to helping you find the best free university courses online. Several universities publish their course materials for free online, under the OpenCourseWare (OCW) initiative. OCW Search is an independent search engine that […]


Online dating, Internet researchers, Ethnic dining in DC; yet another collection of links; 2010-06-02

Online dating assistants help the lonely and busy (tags: online socialnetworking) Association of Internet Researchers The Association of Internet Researchers is the top international association for students and scholars in any discipline in the field of of Internet studies. Membership connects you with our vibrant community, gives you access to our archive of past conference […]

Searching for Media: Hyperlinks from Chapter 9, Searching and Researching, Fifth Edition

Searching for Media The collection of hyperlinks in Chapter 9 of Searching and Researching on the Internet and the World Wide Web 5th Edition Podcasts NPR: Business Story of the Day Podcast (tags: podcast chapter9snr5) Juice, the cross-platform podcast receiver. (tags: juice podcast podcasting web2.0 podcatcher chapter9snr5) PodcatcherMatrix – Choose your favorite podcatcher (tags: podcasting […]

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PowerPoint Search and All My Faves

Each of these search tools deal with specialized collections. The first gives you a way to find PowerPoint slides on the Web. As usual, you enter a search expression and SlideFinder does a full-text search of its specialized collection of PowerPoint presentations. The second is a broader collection, but it is a collection of links […]

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