The students in my CPSC 448, Advanced Web Techniques, decided to create a delicious account name umwcpsc448. The primary purpose was to collect links dealing with CSS. Here are a few that I collected and put in my own delicious area,
laren’s excellent site demo css
“This article features 20 excellent websites to help you “grok” CSS. There’s a wide range of websites included – from blogs to directory-style lists and websites that focus on one particular topic related to CSS.”
css tutorials, come vides
Cheat sheet for css elements
“a list of techniques we , as web-architects, really couldn’t live without. They are essential and they indeed make our life easier”
“Below is a basic master stylesheet, I removed some styling from elements to keep it simple, like colors, but once you give it your own touch, you’ll have a stylesheet that will help with the majority of your CSS nightmares”
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