Several items that appeared after the closure of the venue Death By Audio closed
- Death By Audio’s Edan Wilber On What Happened With Vice, and What’s Next – “But I don’t need Death By Audio to be this thing that people remember forever and ever and ever. If you were there and it was important to you, then awesome. Vice is writing history, so they’ll write us out of history. ”
ripdba death by audio - Death by Audio’s final month: tributes, video & more – “Death by Audio closed last weekend after seven years in existence. We said our goodbyes already, but we thought we’d offer up a roundup of our coverage and other tributes to the space.”
ripdba dba death by audio - PAPERMAG: Why the Closing of Williamsburg’s DIY Venues Doesn’t Really Matter – “Oliver Ackermann, guitarist/singer for A Place to Bury Strangers and owner of the Death By Audio effects pedal company that spawned the venue and shared the space, offers a matter-of-fact explanation for DBA’s closure. “Our lease was coming to an end and we were in a good deal with the landlord,” he says. “He let us come back throughout the years and we were under the impression that it was going to end. They got a good offer from VICE and it was kind of inevitable. I’m surprised we lasted this long.”
ripdba - Vice Media vs. Brooklyn Indie Music Clubs – – “Those places were not driven by a love for filthy lucre,†he said. “It was more about the love of the music and the community it comes out of.â€Â ripdba ny times
- ‘RIP DIY’ Photography Exhibit Preview: Williamsburg’s Changing Soundscape | Billboard – contains a photo of APTBS
ripdyi williamsburg brooklyn
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