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A Place to Bury Strangers links for 2009-08-17

A Place to Bury Strangers

  • Oliver Ackermann’s lyrics, usually apathetic, have rarely been more forceful, especially in his hurried refrain. The punishing whirlpools of distortion do finally make an appearance, whammy’d ghosts peeling up from the center, but the storm subsides and gives way to an eerie calm before swallowing up the world once more. It seems to stretch, like Strangers’ best compositions, past its frame, into infinite dark and chaos.
  • (tags: aptbs finland)
  • So we have feedback and distortion, feedback and distortion, and add a little more feedback. girl groups των ’50s και ’60s Phil Spector. Naturally the girl groups of the’50s and’60s are a key ingredient and the Phil Spector can feel proud that in jail for even a pure child of the famous wall. Cabaret Voltaire, Depeche Mode και Fall και έχετε πλέον συνολική εικόνα. Finally put a tzoura from Cabaret Voltaire, Depeche Mode and Fall and now you have an overview. You will tell me something new? On the one hand, nothing on the other the result sounds 100% authentic! Paradox? I think not. Just all these have absorbed the music and have owned, so the result comes very naturally and effortlessly, so it is impossible to resist:

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