We were near the end of our visit to Highland County, VA having spent a week in the Wilson House not too far from Monterey, Virginia. A friend mentioned an abandoned swimming pool in Bolar, Virginia. Riding back to our place from Monterey we decided to take a ride along Rt. 220 not sure where we were going. Just about the time we felt like we had driven enough and it was time to turn around we came upon a sign for Bolar. Turned off the main road and followed a road to Bolar. A very small town with a few houses and a 25 MPH sign. Just as we were going through the speed zone we saw a road on the right and took it. We never found the pool but did see these 3 crosses on 3 trees in a flat area off the road. They seemed like they had been put up recently, maybe with the last year. The crosses in a very pastoral setting with good light made the picture easy to take with little post-processing.
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