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Calling McCain a Liar

Again, we can hear McCain whining. He said Obama has called me a liar, in a speech today. Why not?  McCain’s lies are nothign new, see my post “McCain’s Lies“, and read the article in the NY Times that addresses McCain’s fabrications, “” Both McCain and Palinn fill the air with their lies. What a […]

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The Sarah Palin Debate FlowChart

The ‘debate’ is past, and it convinced me of two things. Joe Biden is a mature, sincere person who will be  a good vice-president. Sarah Palin is a person who does well reading cards, but has almost no level of understanding of the issues facing our country or the reuirements to be vice president. She […]

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Today’s Funnies


Friedman’s Column – Making America Stupid

Tom Friedman’s column of September 13 “Making America Stupid” points out the weaknesses and faults of McCain’s campaign and the Republican policies. You’ve got to read it. He counters the the Republican mantra “Dill,baby, drill!” with Why would Republicans, the party of business, want to focus our country on breathing life into a 19th-century technology […]

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McCain’s Lies

John McCain is at it again. Saying convenient untruths – lies – to try to get elected. Richard Cohen has a good opinion piece on this in today’s Washington Post. “The Ugly New McCain“, By Richard Cohen  The precise moment of McCain’s abasement came, would you believe, not at some news conference or on one of the […]

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Obama Blasts McCain on Lipstickgate: Enough of the lies and distractions!

Watch the video. Enough is enough! Enough is Enough “What their campaign has done this morning is the same game that has made people sick and tired of politics in this country. They seize on an innocent remark, try to take it out of context, throw out an outrageous ad because they know it’s catnip […]


Running From Reality

Anothe excellent op-ed piece in the NY Times today. “Running from reality,” by Rob Herbert.  He accurately and succintly puts the Republican gobbleygook where it belongs. If there was one pre-eminent characteristic of the Republican convention this week, it was the quality of deception. Words completely lost their meaning. Reality was turned upside down. Or, […]

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Common McCain – don’t make me laugh

Two recent  political cartoons about McCain’s ridiculous attempts to make him seem to be attractive to “the common man”

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Big Surprise

From the NY Times – Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey on Tuesday rejected the idea of bringing criminal charges against former Justice Department employees who improperly used political litmus tests in hiring decisions, saying he had already taken strong internal steps in response to a “painful” episode.


Political cartoon, August 11, 2008

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