Political Cartoons – Torture Debate
A colelction of cartoons in today’s online version of the Washington Post. They reflect some current attitudes related to the issue of torture conducted by the U.S.
Tagged political cartoonsA colelction of cartoons in today’s online version of the Washington Post. They reflect some current attitudes related to the issue of torture conducted by the U.S.
Tagged political cartoonsMarch came in like a lion and gave us some great snow. Here are some pictures. First a couple of Lynn in Glenn Lynnie    The creek Some other scenes
Tagged snowThe same old Republican obstructivism portrayed in these policatl cartoons. Â The first by Tony Auth This one by Pat Oliphant byÂ
Three days after the inauguaration of Obama some interesting pooitical cartoons are starting to emerge. by Singe Wilson by Stuart Carlson by Tony Auth
Tagged guantamano, obama, political cartoonsWhen I teach I make a big deal about the notion of ‘paying attention.’ Not only to what is going on in class, but paying attention throughout our daily lives to the connections we come upon that help us better understand what we are wanting to learn. It’s difficult to do and takes some training. […]
Tagged attention, ineffective, multitasking, paying attentionProsecuting Online File Sharing Turns a Generation Criminal – US News and World Report We’re about a decade into our own hopeless war of prohibition, this one against “peer-to-peer piracy.” The copyright industry has used every legal means within its reach (and some that may not be so legal) to stop Internet “pirates” from “sharing” […]
Tagged CC, copyright, creative commonsI was using this kind of nice ratchet hand screwdriver that Lynn received for listening to someone give her a sales pitch abut retirement plans. It worked well. I used it to open our CD player that had stopped working, and miraculously I got it to work again. The tag line on the box is […]
Tagged tools, word playToday I listened to the TED Talk: Why we don’t understand as much as we think we do – Jonathan Drori (2007).  He starts by asking some simple questions that he claims most people get wrong. We get these wrong, he claims, because of the education and experiences we have had. They bias our understanding. […]
Tagged education, learning, science, TED TalkWired Campus: Bringing Tenure Into the Digital Age – Chronicle.com New tools for analyzing information are arriving every day, but that doesn’t mean scholars who use them well are being rewarded, says Christine L. Borgman, a professor of information studies at the University of California at Los Angeles. She contends that the new “scholarly information infrastructure†[…]
Tagged A Place to Bury Strangers, aptbs, tenure, zotero
Earth 3.0
Scientific American published a special issue on the topic “Earth 3.0.” Here are a few links from the online version. Earth 3.0 Resources in Film and Online: Scientific American From Scientific American Earth 3.0: Games, activities, books and films designed to inspire a greener lifestyle (tags: scientificAmerican green) Clean Up Clean Up the World is […]
Tagged earth 3.0, environment, scientific american