Political cartoons – Health Care Reform
Some political cartoons in wake of recently passed legislation.
Tagged health care, politcal cartoonsSome political cartoons in wake of recently passed legislation.
Tagged health care, politcal cartoonsThese links may not go too well together, but they are the some of the ones I was getting together for my class, Introduction to Computer Science, the other day. The first is another good TED talk. Jonathan HArris talks about ways to map, view the stories, blog entries on the Web. Very interesting stuff, […]
Tagged digital stories, kurzweil, nanotechnology, singularity, visualizationThe first of these is an article that appeared in the New York Times on March 17, 2010. The article discusses how we expose our identities and characteristics on social networking sites, how that information can be aggregated and interpreted, and reiterates the maxim that essentially nothing is private on the Internet. The second is […]
Tagged dictatorship, Internet, privacy, social mediaI watched this video presentation by Peter Eigen, from TED, and then looked up the site for Transparency International. Inspiring and worth spending some time at the site to learn about dealign with corruption on a global scale. Peter Eigen: How to expose the corrupt | Video on TED.com “”Some of the world’s most baffling […]
Tagged corruption, TED, transparency internationalSargent By Ben Sargent
Tagged political cartoonsThe first one was a real eye-opener for me. Especially as I get older myself. The second is a video of Carl Malamud presenting his views at Gove2.0 Summit. I’ve been reading his material for almost fifteen years now,and it is nice to see he is as active and right on as ususal. Op-Chart – […]
Tagged ageing, carl malamud, health, open accessObama’s announcement of his unfortunate decision to send troops to Afghanistan received some note-worthy political cartoons.
A surprise award prompted several good political cartoons. They follow.
Tagged obama, political cartoons, PoliticsReading some of my feeds at bloglines I came across these interesting links. Co-Browsing Tools: Guide To The Best Online Services (tags: cobrowsing library2.0 brainstorming collaboration tools)Tools for several people to simultaneously browse a Web site Media Literacy: Making Sense Of New Technologies And Media by George Siemens – Sep 05 09 (tags: media literacy) […]
Tagged cobrowsing, collaboration, media literacy, monitor, web server
Rosalyn Carter on Daily Show discussing mental healthhealth
Rosalyn Carter was on the Daily Show last night discussing mental health issues and her most recent book Within Our Reach: Ending the Mental Health Crisis. John Stewart did a great job interviewing her and giving her the opportunity to discuss issues important to her. View the video. Daily Show interview of Rosalyn Carter
Tagged daily show, mental health, Rosalyn carter