Obituary average age. October 14, 2014: 68.82
The average age of those listed in the nine obituaries in the October 14, 2014 Free Lance-Star was 68.82. The median was 72 with a sample standard deviation of 14.21 The ages ranged from 35 to 84. Eleven names were listed. This is the tenth day I’ve been collecting this data.  The mean of  obituary average ages using {77.375,64,74.143, 62.5, 55,66.8333, […]
Tagged average age, obituary
Obituary average age. October 30, 2014: 76.92
The average age of those listed in the thirteen obituaries in the October 30, 2014 Free Lance-Star was 76.92. The median was 81.5 with a sample standard deviation of 16.43. The ages ranged from 28 to 94. This is the eleventh day I’ve been collecting this data. The mean of  obituary average ages using {77.375,64,74.143, 62.5, 55,66.8333, 74.11,71.27,68.82, 76.92} at Wolfram alpha is […]
Tagged average age, obituary