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Vigil tonight! 6:30 PM Hurkamp Park

Vigil tonight, 6:30 PM, at Hurkamp Park in Fredericksburg will mark the 2,000 U.S. military deaths in Iraq – “A candlelight vigil commemorating the 2,000 reported American military deaths in Iraq will be held at Fredericksburg’s Hurkamp Park tonight. The vigil at William and Prince Edward streets will be one of about 400 events organized […]

CNET’s views of the news

CNET that venerable source of news and reviews has some interesting ways to display information related to a news story. These are The Big Picture Related Stories What’s Hot Latest Headlines They’re all really nice ways to use some technology to put a news story into a context that you choose – in the case […]

first human-poultry interaction system

Wired Campus Blog: Reach Out and Touch Someone, Literally “Researchers at the National University of Singapore have built a tool that lets users touch animals in real time over the Internet. … “This is the first human-poultry interaction system ever developed,” says the professor in charge of the project.”

Wal-Mart – Daily Show

Jon Stewart had a nice piece on Wal-Mart on the Daily Show. As usual he gets to the essence of their hypocrisy and ours (if we shop there) as well. Lisa Rein has links to the video in her blog, Daily Show On Wal-Mart – Learn Fun Facts From Jon If you’re interested you may […]

What Wal-Mart costs us

The New York Review of Books: Inside the Leviathan – a good article detailing many of the costs we all incur through the existence of Wal-Mart and their practices. Here are two quotes: “One of the most telling of all the criticisms of Wal-Mart is to be found in a February 2004 report by the […]

With God on Our Side

“With God On Our Side” by Bob Dylan was released in 1964 on his album The Times They are A-Changin’. It think that song echoed the feelings of many of us that the world seemed to be headed for self-annihilation. I was thinking about the song yesterday while working in the garden, some 40 years […]