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Intellectual Property Run Amok

Mother Jones has a list of quirky intellectual property mishaps at “Intellectual Property Run Amok” Check it out.

Tape Shows Bush Warned About Katrina

Our friends at sent out email this morning to be sure the story that’s appeared in the AP (Tape: Bush, Chertoff Warned Before Katrina, the Washington Post (Video Shows Bush Being Warned on Katrina), and others isn’t lost in the shuffle. “At the August 28th briefing, the president was told exactly what to expect: […]

Google’s Response to U.S. Request for Data | 02/17/2006 | Google rips Bush administration’s search request By Elise Ackerman (no relation) Some quotes: “Google called the Bush administration’s request for data on Web searches as “so uninformed as to be nonsensical” in papers filed in San Jose federal court Friday, arguing that turning over the information would expose its trade secrets […]

Happy Valentines Day

LifeHut has a great post about enjoying Valentines Day. Inexpensive Valentines Day ideas – LifeHut

Cyberspace is dead

An article in Wired. “The Internet feels less like an alternate world that we “go to” and more like just another layer of life. Besides, doesn’t cyberspace sound kind of played out? Clearly, we need a better word.” Wired 14.02: START Well, the word anyway. — And today’s special is .. The struggle is the […]

NSA Eavesdropping – How it’s done?

An article at CNET covers some of the ground about ways that NSA eavesdropping might work. NSA eavesdropping: How it might work | CNET

Article analyzes NSA techniques

An article published in today’s Washington Post contains an extensive analysis of the NSA’s techniques in eavesdropping on communications. It does a good job describing some of the techniques used, the available sources, and the lack of results. The article implies that NSA and other surveillance groups are using this as an opportunity to experiment […]

Another company uses Green Tags

CollectiveGood goes “carbon neutral” through wind power generated Green Tags Collective good, an organization that helps charities work with recycled mobile phones has joined the lsit of other companies that have purchased Green Tags, CO2 credits generated through the purchaseof wind credits, to make themselves “carbon neutral.” — 2396

UMW near the bottom of the list of state appropriations

The January 9, 2006 Daily Report from The Chronicle of Higher Education contained the following item. STATE SPENDING for higher education grew at the fastest rate in five years during the current fiscal year, allowing colleges in much of the nation to regain their financial balance after a series of tight budgets, according to an […]

Strawberries & Pestisides & Health & Ozone Layer

U.S. Farmers Use Pesticide Despite Treaty – Yahoo! News I came across this article this evening. It was the first I’d heard about the use of methyl bromide, which is strange given it’s effects on the workers in the growing fields, it’s effect on the ozone, and the fact that a major producer is located […]