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Names of the dead as reported June 26, 2006

From the New York Times: The Department of Defense has identified 2,509 American service members who have died since the start of the Iraq war. It confirmed the deaths of the following Americans over the weekend: BAKER, Riley E., 22, Cpl., Marines; Pacific, Mo.; Second Marine Division. BEYER, Paul A., 21, Pfc., Army; Jamestown, N.D.; […]

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Hive Mind

Jason Lanier has written an interesting essay DIGITAL MAOISM: The Hazards of the New Online Collectivism in which he addresses some of the issues related to the hive-mind collectivism of Web 2.0 phenomena. In my work I think about the effect and use of collective software. I also find myself justifying it, explaining its benefits […]

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Names of the Dead as reported June 12, 2006

From the New York Times: The Department of Defense has identified 2,485 American service members who have died since the start of the Iraq war. It confirmed the death of the following American on Saturday: CRABTREE, Daniel B., 31, Sgt. First Class, Army National Guard; Canton, Ohio; Second Battalion, 19th Special Forces Group. The number […]

Names of the Dead as reported June 3, 2006

From the New York Times: The Department of Defense has identified 2,467 American service members who have died since the start of the Iraq war. It confirmed the deaths of the following Americans yesterday: BUCKLIN, Brock L., 28, Specialist, Army; Grand Rapids, Mich.; Fourth Infantry Division. MEJIA, Benjamin E., 25, Sgt., Army; Salem, Mass.; Fourth […]

stolen election

There is an interesting article in Rolling Stone, “Was the 2004 Election Stolen?” by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The lead is “Republicans prevented more than 350,000 voters in Ohio from casting ballots or having their votes counted — enough to have put John Kerry in the White House. ” The article is an analysis of […]

Names of the Dead – reported June 2, 2006

From today’s New York Times: The Department of Defense has identified 2,465 American service members who have died since the start of the Iraq war. It confirmed the deaths of the following Americans yesterday: FUNKHOUSER, James A., 35, Capt., Army; Katy, Tex.; Fourth Infantry Division. KOLASA, Alexander J., 22, Cpl., Army; White Lake, Mich.; Fourth […]

Faculty Academy 11 (2)

Faculty Academy at Mary Washington is over for another year. Had a great time talking with Rachel Smith, Cyprien Lomas, and Jon Udell. These were the headliners, and it was just as good talking with other participants. There’s a blog and a wiki for the event. Today, I headed up a panel session “What’s a […]

Sequester the Voting Machines

Ed Felten in his excellent blog Freedom To Tinker includes a description of yet another problem with Diebold voting machines. This one, like many of the others, is serious. He mentions a report that describes a possible attack that “would allow anyone who had physical access to a voting machine for a few minutes to […]

The real struggle will be in finding an appropriate place for ubiquitous computing in our lives

“The real struggle will be in finding an appropriate place for ubiquitous computing in our lives” is a quote from Adam Greenfield’s book “Everyware: The Dawning Age of Ubiquitos Computing.” That is the challenge. Excerpts are on line at A List Apart. This one came from “Everyware: Always Crashing in the Same Car“

Claudia wins a Pulitzer!!

Our good friend Claudia Emerson won the 2006 Pulitzer Prize in poetry for her book “Late Wife: Poem.” A quote from her in an article in the Washington Post accurately described the situation here among her friends: “We’re freaking out here,” said poetry winner Emerson, who teaches at the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, […]