Hive Mind
Jason Lanier has written an interesting essay DIGITAL MAOISM: The Hazards of the New Online Collectivism in which he addresses some of the issues related to the hive-mind collectivism of Web 2.0 phenomena. In my work I think about the effect and use of collective software. I also find myself justifying it, explaining its benefits […]
Tagged hive, hive mind
Names of the dead as reported June 26, 2006
From the New York Times: The Department of Defense has identified 2,509 American service members who have died since the start of the Iraq war. It confirmed the deaths of the following Americans over the weekend: BAKER, Riley E., 22, Cpl., Marines; Pacific, Mo.; Second Marine Division. BEYER, Paul A., 21, Pfc., Army; Jamestown, N.D.; […]
Tagged department of defencse, iraq, war dead