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Virginia Higher Education Advocacy Day 2007

  Several Mary Washington faculty went to Richmond on January 11, 2007 to talk with our representatives in the Virginia Legislature and participate in Virginia Higher Education Advocacy Day. The event is organized and sponsored by the Faculty Senates of Virginia and the Virginia Conference of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP). This marked […]

Recycling your computer

A friend has been organizing his work space at home and had a few computers that he didn’t need any more, and asked for some advice on selling them, donating them, or otherwise getting rid of them. The most expedient thing to do in this area, if the computer and/or monitor is in working condition, […]

Scaling down

Doing some research for my upcoming Programming Languages class I came across some articles by David N. Welton: “Articles by David N. Welton”. The one titled “Downwardly Scalable Programming Languages” contains a quote to share. “Good systems should be able to scale down as well as up. They should run on slower computers that don’t […]

Mommy Kissing Santa Claus

Our sons were here for their annual Christmas visit. What a pleasure. Oliver, according to his usual custom, gave us a Christmas CD by his band, A place To Bury Strangers. The lead track is I saw mommy kissing santa claus. I like it very much, a very interesting and original arrangement. Want to hear […]

view du jour: December 23, 2006

Here are a few pictures I took yesterday of our beech tree. The rain made the bark look almost black and gave the sheen. The tree looks muscular to me, with as much strength as the Minotaur. Click on a thumbnail to see the pic at full size. Speaking of the Minotaur, The Minotaur Takes […]

Please no surge. No more.

Eugene Robinson’s column A ‘Surge’ in Wasted Sacrifice in today’s Washington Post is another eloquent voice stating what we all know and need to admit. Continuing Bush’s plan in Iraq is a continuation of asking people to sacrifice their lives – sacrifice their lives – for no good or well-thought-out plan. Contrast that with Tony […]


Ed Felten has yet another interesting post Why So Little Attention to Botnets? in his blog Freedom to Tinker. Ed does a good job explaining what a botnet is: ‘In this context, a “bot” is a malicious software agent that gets installed on an unsuspecting user’s computer. Bots get onto computers by exploiting security flaws. […]

Beginning of the End?

Here is Olbermann’s take on the Military Commissions Act. Why did the Congress do this?


Jim Webb appeared at University of Mary Washington yesterday for a campaign stop, and to build up some support in his hopeful run against Allen. John Edwards also appeared and gave a pretty good presentation. The line I remember most is “It’s time to be patriotic about something else other than war.” His talk focused […]

Names of the dead as reported July 27, 2006

From the New York Times: The Department of Defense has identified 2,558 American service members who have died since the start of the Iraq war. It confirmed the death of the following American yesterday: SAMSON, Dennis K. Jr., 24, Specialist, Army; Hesperia, Mich.; 101st Airborne Division. The number of dead, 2558, is 93 more than […]