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American Student Physics Team

The online Washington Post has another great feature article today. This one is titled “Easy as Pi.” It describes the US Student Physics Team that participated in the 2007 International Physics Olympiad in Isfahan, Iran in July. The feature contains links to two video segments. One is a really nice piece in which the five […]

Honey’s medicinal side

Today’s online Washington Post contains an article “Sweet Salve Could Honey, an Ancient Remedy, Make a Comeback in Contemporary Wound Care?” by Erik Fred Trump,  that discusses some of the medicinal benefits of honey, especially when it is used to heal wounds and fight infections. The benefits of using honey this way isn’t news for […]

Counting the Days

Counting the days until January 20, 2009. According to From and including: Thursday, July 5, 2007 To, but not including : Tuesday, January 20, 2009 It is 565 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date Or 1 year, 6 months, 15 days excluding the end date […]

belated Memorial Day entry

We have a couple of customs or recurring behaviors that happen around what we call memorial Day. One is a large pot-luck/party we like to throw/host the Friday of the memorial Day Weekend. We try to invite all our friends, and usually 50 -75 people show up. People tend to bring very good food. It’s […]

Usenet – Still around after all these years?

I’ve used Usenet on and off (mostly off lately) since 1994. I’ve included a chapter or a portion of chapter about using Usenet in all the Internet & Web books that I’ve written since 1995. I’ve been teaching courses about using the Internet since about that same time. My students over the past five years […]

Teaching with/without technology

A Brain and A Book is yet another excellent article on teaching by James M. Lang. It appears in the May 29, 2007 edition of the Chronicle of Higher Education in the section Chronicle Careers. Lang begins with some of the points made by Marc Prensky in his essay “Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants.” That widely […]

Monitoring Internet Censorship

I was catching up on my reading of BonigBoing today and was led to a link in EFF Deep Links that mentioned a piece put up by the Berkman Center for the Internet and Society at Harvard Law School describing the work of the Open Net Initiative. “The OpenNet Initiative is a collaborative partnership of […]

Switching to WordPress

I’ve changed from using MoveableType to use WordPress for the software supporting this blog. It just seems so much easier to be using WordPress. I’m also going to have to find another web hosting service for My current package at doesn’t support the versions of mysql and php that I need for WordPress […]

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

The Stafford Star Advertiser – some items of interest

The Stafford Star Advertiser is a weekly publication that contains several of the stories that appeared in the Free Lance-Star from the week before as well as a section of classified ads and other advertisements. Like most of the products produced by a newspaper company, its purpose is to provide a medium for advertisements. Here […]