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{ Category Archives } About the Internet and the Web

Beginners [sic] Guide to URLs

I got an email about an outdated hyperlink from a person who was looking at one of the pages,, I’d constructed several years ago to go with a chapter in “Learning to Use the World Wide Web.” The original link went to a description of URLs at NCSA. That description is gone. Here is […]

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Sematic email technologies & the State of Blogsearch

SEAmail: Applying Semantic Technology to Email – ReadWriteWeb In order to join a conversation, you’ve got to be able to find it first. Three years ago “blog search” was expected to be a booming industry, startups left and right developed different technologies and more than a few raised millions of dollars to help users search […]

File Compression and laptop recommendations links for 2009-01-15

HowStuffWorks “How File Compression Works” If you download many programs and files off the Internet, you’ve probably encountered ZIP files before. This compression system is a very handy invention, especially for Web users, because it lets you reduce the overall number of bits and bytes in a file so it can be transmitted faster over […]

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Understanding Computers course, Harvard & Programming Languages links

Computer Science E-1: Understanding Computers and the Internet This course is all about understanding: understanding what’s going on inside your computer when you flip on the switch, why tech support has you constantly rebooting your computer, how everything you do on the Internet can be watched by others, and how your computer can become infected […]

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Creative Commons links for 2009-01-08

Prosecuting Online File Sharing Turns a Generation Criminal – US News and World Report We’re about a decade into our own hopeless war of prohibition, this one against “peer-to-peer piracy.” The copyright industry has used every legal means within its reach (and some that may not be so legal) to stop Internet “pirates” from “sharing” […]

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links for 2009-01-07

Diplodocs – Find your user manual, user guide, instruction manual or owner manual instantly ! So much time wasted looking all over the place for the instruction manual to tune the tv-set, find the printer cartridge replacement how-to, the meaning of the blinking led on the dashboard. (tags: guide reference manuals lifehacks) Vapour Trails: Revisiting […]

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Podcasts: subscribing and finding

The term podcast, as  noun, comes from a contraction of the iPod and broadcast. Here’s the definition from the Oxford English Dictionary: A digital recording of a broadcast, made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or personal audio player. 2004 Cnet (Electronic text) 8 Oct., A network of bloggers is offering up ‘podcasts’or pre-recorded […]

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Some neat Web 2.0 tools, ECAR study of IT & Undergraduates, & A Place to Bury Strangers links for 2009-01-04

WizeHive Home Manage your activities, collaborate with others, and organize your life (or business) all in one integrated platform. (tags: web2.0 social collaboration organization management Project organizer projectmanagement) Social Mention Social Mention is a social media search engine that searches user-generated content such as blogs, comments, bookmarks, events, news, videos, and microblogging services. (tags: social […]

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Podcatcher & Podacaster links for 12-22-2008

PodcatcherMatrix – Choose your favorite podcatcher Podcast users can choose the right tool fitting their requirements. Podcast providers can optimize their content for the most popular Podcatchers. Podcast developers can check out feature trends and user needs. (tags: software online podcasting podcatcher) Podcast Software Review 2009 – TopTenREVIEWS Podcasting software can help you create professional […]

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Multimedia on the Web, Future of the Internet, and Image Search Engineslinks for 2008-12-17

Digital Librarian: Audio, Video, Multimedia Multimedia Search Engines and Subject Directories (for audio and video): You can use Google or Yahoo to search for terms such as webcast, netcast, audio archive, audiocast, coursecast, cybercast, podcast, Internet broadcast, lecture series, archived audio, archived video, archived lectures, web media, multimedia, audio, audio archive, video archive, on demand, […]

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