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{ Category Archives } About the Internet and the Web

Copyright and multimedia on the Web

So if you have come across some media on the Web that you like what can you legally do with it? The term legally is important here, because for any item on the Web (a network) we know we can make an exact copy it and save it on our computer or a memory card/stick […]

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Security and password links for 2009-06-30

Two articles from Infoworld. One about the benefits of PGP and the other on password strength. The second includes a spreadsheet for calculating how long it might take to determine a password. Internet crimes to be proud of | Security Central – InfoWorld Thanks to Pretty Good Privacy encryption creator Phil Zimmermann for software that […]

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Where to find multimedia on the Web

You can’t avoid it. The hardware and software technology that supports the Web makes it relatively easy and quite natural to make information in all sorts of formats – text, images, audio, video – available. With a high speed connection to the Internet you can experience all these formats quite easily. Virtually all the news […]

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Multimedia on the Web (Introduction)

If something can be digitized, put into some digital format, then it is likely to be available on the Web.  So it is reasonable to expect be able to access photos, still images, audio recordings, and video. Almost all of the music we listen to, and almost all of the pictures and videos we take […]

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Guides to Copyright for Faculty and Students

These links can help faculty and students to understand some of the issues related to copyright and fair use. Both is these are very nicely done. The first covers copyright and fair-use issues in a straightforward,  factual manner. It is easy to understand. The second  one has the added benefit of presenting an interactive question/answer […]

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Links from Faculty Academy 2009-05-15

12 Companies Targeting Early Tech Adopters – ReadWriteWeb Our mission at ReadWriteWeb is to explore the latest Web technology products and trends. We’re fortunate to have a great group of sponsors who support this goal. So, once a week, we write a post about them; about who they are, what they do, and what they’ve […]

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Laura Blankenship at Faculty Academy

Laura Blankenship at Faculty Academy     How do students do research?  Start in library only 10% of the time. Got to Web – Google OK, but many start at Amazon or Wikipedia. Using social software tools for  research without peer review ,  transparency – commentary on work is important provide a means of feedback built […]

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Mixed bag: A Place to Bury Strangers, Directory of Phone Numbers to humans, Revising an Email links for 2009-04-21

How to Get Wilco’s Live Guitar Sound At the heart of Tweedy’s amp sound is a fleet of hand-wired Vox AC-30s, both vintage and reissue. But his signal runs through an impressive pedalboard first. It’s a Pedaltrain Pro board with a Voodoo Lab Pedal Power source to provide the juice for a Moogerfooger analog delay, […]

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Coding and Security, Amazon Server, & A Place to Bury Strangers links for 2009-03-23

Coding Errors that Affect Security: Sort by Language, Phyla, or Kingdom – ReadWriteWeb While most developers are proficient in several languages, today’s economic climate coupled with advances in technology has meant that oftentimes developers need to pick up a new language quickly. And although most developers are typically fluent in the security issues surrounding their […]

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Future of the Web, Skywave, & A Place to Bury Strangers links for 2009-03-18

Future of the Web  Science news videos from Scientific American Future of World Wide Web (tags: video web) Skywave Stop Loving Everything: skywave -don’t say slow While all you neu-shoegazers were still wearing Garanimals, I was scooping up Skywave seven inches without reading the price tag. Ackerman went on to help form A Place to […]

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