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{ Category Archives } About the Internet and the Web

Internet Communication

Two types of communication – Asynchronous – no time constraints. Examples: email discussion groups Usenet news Synchronous – communication at the same time in same virtual space. Examples: Chat Virtual Worlds MUD IM A few links from “Learning to Use the Internet and the World Wide Web” that deal with communication on the Internet. Chat […]

Internet Statistics

I typically give my students the assignment to find how many hours, on the average, American’s spend on the Internet per week. The usual approach is to search using Google. This brings up some results, but the results are often not current. A reliable source for current information is ClickZ Stats in the section traffic […]

Web services with no fee

This started out by looking at what was available at Google labs. That’s a place where Google shows off some items it’s thinking of rolling out for public use. Today they included Google Compute, Google Viewer, Google Webquotes, Google Glossary, Google Sets, Voice Search, and Keyboard Shortcuts. Some of these have been around since May […]