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Safe blogging

Kudos to the Electronic Frontier Foundation for producing <a title=”EFF:” href=””>How to Blog Safely (About Work or Anything Else)</a> Here’s are a couple of quotes: “If you blog, there are no guarantees you’ll attract a readership of thousands. But at least a few readers will find your blog, and they may be the people you’d […]

History and prediction

Take a look at EPIC 2014. It has a provocative lead-in “In the year 2014, the New York times has gone offline..What happened to the news?”. Then follow the link to the 8 minute video. It’s an interesting piece, combining some history and predictions. All the details are precisely correct – for example, it identifies […]

Social Bookmarking

There are a number of Web sites that let you post your bookmarks and then retrieve them using the Web. They are “social” because others with accounts at these sites can view your bookmarks. It’s getting more and more interesting. These sites provide a nice service that’s been available for awhile, but adding the social […]

Phishing getting more sophisticated and dangerous

The article – Experts: ‘Phishing’ more sophisticated – Jan 20, 2005 at CNN mentions some new ways that thieves are using techniques related to phishing. The quote “If you think of phishers initially as petty thieves, now they’re more like an organized crime unit,” said Paris Trudeau also ties in with an online interview […]

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The Future of the Internet

Predictions Database is the database supporting the Pew report “The Future of the Internet“. Interesting reading. Here is a summary of the findings: “Summary of Findings at a Glance A broad-ranging survey of technology leaders, scholars, industry officials, and interested members of the public finds that most experts expect attacks on the network infrastructure in […]

Comment on wikipedia and research

apophenia: Academia and Wikipedia states an opinion about using articles in Wikipedia as citations in research papers. The author makes a good point: an entry form Wikipedia is often only form one source, and has not been vetted. There fore, it’s not appropriate as a citation. He appears to be in favor of the project […]

about the impact of RSS, Blogs

A few links with some thoughtful remarks about the impact of RSS and Blogs. InfoWorld: The network is the blog: December 10, 2004: By Jon Udell : APPLICATION_DEVELOPMENT : APPLICATIONS : BUSINESS : DATA_MANAGEMENT : WEB_SERVICES The self-organizing blogosphere offers a unique way to manage the information deluge ร‚ยป RSS: a shift, from what…to […]

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create first, make profit later

“We’ll figure out how to monetize it later.” a quote by Lars Perkins, general manager for Picasa, in the article “Google units include social networking, photos, maps“, by Jefferson Graham, in USA Today, December 21, 2004, demonstrates what I really like about the Internet. First some things are created because they can be done, and […]

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Speaking of blogging – Taking thoughts online, an article published in the Free Lance-Star on November 13, 2004, contains some quotes from me about blogs and blogging. It’s rare that I get quoted in an article and my name is spelled two different ways ๐Ÿ™‚

Effective Internet Communication

There’s no substitute for a well-thought-out and well-expressed message. To make your communication most effective you need to write clearly, take into account that people will likely be reading your message on a computer screen, and take full advantage of the medium itself. Here are some guidelines for effective Internet communication using text: Be careful […]