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Writing Sensible Email Messages

A good article about writing email that helps get the job done. 43 Folders | Writing sensible email messages Here’s a list of advantages and limitations of email that I use in my classes. Effective communication please!


opinions of news aggregators

I’ve been reading Welcome to Blogosphere: An Executive Blogger’s Guide that I mentioned in my post on Blog guides, tips, & tutorials. News aggregators are discussed and a few are mentioned. Here are my opinions on the ones mentioned there. Newsgator Focus on the use of blogs in business environments, and the ‘big name’ blogs. […]

developer-hosted blog software

Looking at the Wikipedia entry for Weblog software today. It contains a list of “developer-hosted” blog software. I’m going to make some comments about each here. This is part of some research I’ve been doing lookimg into the types of blogging software that would be appropriate for my students to use as part of the […]

Blogosphere demographics

A friend & colleague at Mary Washington sent me an email today that asked about the demographics of the blogosphere. It contained the following quote: ” … referred me to an article stating that bloggers are overwhelmingly white and male and implied that therefore one needs to be careful about assigning students to read blogs.” […]

More Safe Blogging

On April 11 I put an entry in this blog about EFF’s “How to Blog Safely (About Work or Anything Else)” They’ve published another good guide: EFF: Legal Guide for Bloggers Like all journalists and publishers, bloggers sometimes publish information that other people don’t want published. You might, for example, publish something that someone considers […]

Older and Younger – reports on Internet usage and usability

Two reports published recently address on the issued of usage and usability for children and seniors. One Rates of Computer and Internet Use by Children in Nursery School and Students in Kindergarten Through Twelfth Grade: 2003 describes the levels of computer and Internet usage by children. “This Issue Brief describes the percentage of students in […]

UMW Faculty Academy (1)

The UMW Faculty Academy starts today. It’s the 10th annual edition of this event started by David Ayersman when he was director of instruction technology at Mary Washington College. I guess we’ve come a long way from the first one where Dave & I gave the keynote addresses. The program looks pretty good and I’m […]

UMW Faculty Academy (2)

Attended the first session of the UMW Faculty Academy today. I really liked the presentations by Brian Lamb, Project Discoordinator, Office of Learning Technology, The University of British Columbia Been digital so long it feels like print to me… Adventures In Wikiland, a workshop about Wikis. I was part of a panel Grading and evaluating […]

Wiki Software Lists

I did a little bit of research about selecting Wiki software: Choosing a Wiki Covers all the bases about choosing wiki software Which Open Source Wiki Works For You? by by Shlomi Fish, 11/04/2004, in O’Reilly’s publication about open source software Top Ten Wiki Engines The top ten with candidates for inclusion in the […]

Online Citation Tools

I came across two online tools you can use to construct citations. The first is Online Citation Maker – A site about HCI, Usability, UI Design, User Experience, Information Architecture and more… It seems to work well, gives you a choice of MLA or APA style, and provides several tips for using citations. The […]