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{ Category Archives } About the Internet and the Web

Web 2.0 at YouTube

I realize I’m coming a little late to this, but today I came across a very nice video at YouTube, “Web 2.0 … The Machine is Us/ing Us,”, by Michael Wesch, an assistant professor of cultural anthropology at Kansas State University. Very nice work. — U.S. Deaths Confirmed By The DoD: 3129 Reported U.S. […]

The Book

A friend who is an associate professor of linguistics at University of Mary Washington sent me a link the the video “Introducing the book,” Now other colleagues are sending me a link to it. The video is very clever. The lines I like the best is “Open it? If it had been that straight […]


Ed Felten has yet another interesting post Why So Little Attention to Botnets? in his blog Freedom to Tinker. Ed does a good job explaining what a botnet is: ‘In this context, a “bot” is a malicious software agent that gets installed on an unsuspecting user’s computer. Bots get onto computers by exploiting security flaws. […]

Writing and Web Design

Yet another great entry in A List apart. This one is abut writing and Web design: “Calling All Designers: Learn to Write!” by Derek Powazek. One part I especially liked: It’s time we designers stop thinking of ourselves as merely pixel people, and start thinking of ourselves as the creators of experiences. And when it […]

Cyberspace is dead

An article in Wired. “The Internet feels less like an alternate world that we “go to” and more like just another layer of life. Besides, doesn’t cyberspace sound kind of played out? Clearly, we need a better word.” Wired 14.02: START Well, the word anyway. — And today’s special is .. The struggle is the […]

talking about social software at eli

Presentation can be found starting at Thinking about doing some things with blogs. Extending the blog format. Implementing a blog server. Not too much action goign on. Can it be integrated with a content management system. Number one request for technology by faculty is asking for ways to enclose a blog, not making it […]

blog software comparison

Two charts that compare blog software. Blog Software Breakdown. The document was last updated in November, 2005. It compares b2Evolution, bBlog, BLOG:CMS,Blojsom, Blosxom,Expression Engine, MovableType, Nucleus, Pivot, pMachine Pro, Serendipity, SPIP, .Text, TextPattern, and WordPress Blog software comparison chart was published in July 2005 as part of the article “Time to check: Are you using […]

Pew Study: Search still solid second to email

A study released today by Pew Interenet & American Life Project Search engine use shoots up in the past year and edges towards email as the primary internet application described searching as a close second to email. — And today’s special is .. Architecture is frozen music. – Goethe. 2211

Can You Trust Wikipedia?

Just yesterday in CPSC 104 we were discussing whether it was appropriate to use Wikipedia as a reference. This article addresses that issue. Several experts rate some of the entries. Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | Can you trust Wikipedia?

GoogleZon – closer than we think?

Some of the hot news today contains references to Amazon’s plans to offer selling books by the page and Google’s release yesteraday of some of its public domain books into its common search database. The article To Sell Books By the Page, While Google Launches Online Book Search in Information Week is typical. If […]