Yet another tutorial
lots of vi resoruces
- Corby’s vi Bible – A short introduction to vi by Corby Anderson – MWC class of 1987, computer science major & friend.
editor vim vi
“”A Byte of Vim” is a book which aims to help you to learn how to use the Vim editor (version 7), even if all you know is how to use the computer keyboard.”
Somehow, I couldn’t find an editor that just worked right, and was customizable enough to fit my needs.
That all changed a couple of months ago, when I bit the bullet and started using Vim text editor full-time.  Here’s 6 reasons why you should consider giving it a go.
“I recently switched to vim full time after years of asking myself that question. It seemed like a huge percentage of the better hackers I came across used vim, but all I could see was “no mouse, no IDE goodies, no deal.†Why would anyone subject themselves to that? Well, turns out, here’s why:”
‘Another reason that it is good to know this is that many programs use vim key bindings. For e.g. the readline library can be configured to use vi bindings and hence this info will be useful to you in bash, ftp,gnuplot,python,bc,… Also less (used to read man pages on Linux) defaults to vi key bindings.’
A decent cheat sheet
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