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Brief Review: Lighthousekeeping by Jeanette Winterson

Lighthousekeeping Jeanette Winterson again shows her prowess as a writer weaving humor, love, passion, tragedy, and storytelling in Lighthousekeeping. Duality is, to me, the prominent theme. The split we have in our personalities, Jekyll and Hyde, romance and science.

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Brief Review: Stalking Death by Kate Flora

Stalking Death Stalking Death was the first of Kate Flora’s books that I read, and it has made me want to read more of her mystery novels. This is a “Thea Kozak Mystery”, and like her other works like the others, traces the thoughts and actions of a protagonist who appears in several of Flora’s […]

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Brief Review: Sex Sleep Eat Dream. A Day in the Life of Your Body by Jennifer Ackerman

Sex Sleep Eat Drink Dream: A Day in the Life of Your Body Ackerman takes you through a day starting with a detailed description of waking in the morning and finishing with just as detailed a description of going to sleep in the evening. Throughout she mixes observations, quips, and the reports of scientific studies […]

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Brief Review: Death With Interruptions by Jose Saramago

Death with Interruptions Jose Saramago was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1998. As you read Death With Interruptions you get to know why he was given the prize, and you feel ready to nominate him for another. The story is of a time in a country where no one dies, because death (with […]

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Brief Review: Service Included by Phoebe Damrosch

Service Included: Four-Star Secrets of an Eavesdropping Waiter A witty and informative story of a woman who works her way up to the wait staff of a four-star NY restaurant, Per Se. This very readable book goes through the establishment of a new restaurant, and it’s striving for a great review from the NY Times […]

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APtBS reviews singles for ClashMagazine

A Place To Bury Strangers Review The Singles | Features | Clash Magazine – “This time, it’s A Place To Bury Strangers in the guest reviewer(s) role. The New York-based noise-rock trio appeared at Reverence Festival at the weekend (check out a related playlist here) and are currently putting the finishing touches on their fourth […]

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Links from November 27, 2013

These are my links from November 27, 2013 Death By Audio: The Accidental Pedal Company | NOISEY – "If you have been to a show at Death By Audio, the venue, then you know what the crazy energy pedal makers Oliver Ackermann, Matt Conboy, and Travis Johnson are all about. Death By Audio, the pedals, […]

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Gaining Ground by Forrest Pritchard

Gaining Ground: A Story of Farmers’ Markets, Local Food, and Saving the Family Farm A well-written story about the transformation of a farm and the people who chose to live on it from dead-end industrial farming to a sustaining natural and organically managed farm. An inspirational story and a  thoroughly enjoyable read. “We buried my father […]

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Links from May 8, 2013

These are my links from May 8, 2013 Amateur Chemist: A Place To Bury Strangers at the Yost Theatre – "Under a cloak of darkness and a shroud of noise, A Place To Bury Strangers proceeded to destroy Santa Ana."a place to bury strangers 2013 pyscho de mayo aptbs review

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Links from May 6, 2013

These are my links from May 6, 2013 A Place To Bury Strangers: Strange Moon | Violent Success – "The new wave influence and drum machine accompaniment has been scaled back. It seems like the band has gone backward in order to move forward. Their early work has the tendency to feel slightly 80’s new […]

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