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Brief review. The Moosewood Restaurant Cooking for Health: More Than 200 New Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes for Delicious and Nutrient-Rich Dishes by The Moosewood Collective

The Moosewood Restaurant Cooking for Health: More Than 200 New Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes for Delicious and Nutrient-Rich Dishes by the Moosewood Collective. This looks like another winner from MooseWood. we’ve made the Brussels Sprouts with Pecans and they were great.

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Brief review. The Food Matters Cookbook: 500 Revolutionary Recipes for Better Living by Mark Bittman

The Food Matters Cookbook: 500 Revolutionary Recipes for Better Living by Mark Bittman A Bittman cook book containing recipes that are in concert with his thoughts in “Food Matters.” Minimizing meat and emphasizing whole wheat. Made the pumpkin and coconut muffins this morning and have loaf of pumpkin whole-wheat bread ready to go into the […]

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Brief review. Sun Storm by Asa Larsson

Sun Storm by Asa Larsson I had a hard time putting this one down and read it in three days. Just fascinating. A mystery that explores different personalities and the interplay between them. Murder, mutilation, manipulation, co-dependence, dominance, and self reliance that wins out. I am anxiously waiting for the next of her novels to […]

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Brief review. The Execution of Noa P. Singleton: A Novel by Elizabeth J. Silver

The Execution of Noa P. Singleton: A Novel by Elizabeth J. Silver Set on Death Row with flashbacks to the events that brought Noa there. An interesting uncovering of several lives and contrasting ways of living and getting what one wants from life or death as the case may be. The characters stay with me. […]

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Brief review. Driving Mr. Albert: A Trip Across America with Einstein’s Brain by Michael Paterniti

Driving Mr. Albert: A Trip Across America with Einstein’s Brain by Michael Paterniti A story, mostly true I suppose, of Michael driving Thomas Harvey across the US in a Buick Skylark. The unusual thing here is that Dr. Harvey was the pathologist who performed an autopsy on Albert Einstein and removed Mr. Albert’s brain. Also, […]

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Brief review. History of Food in 100 Recipes by WIlliam Sitwell

History of Food in 100 Recipes by William Sitwell by William Sitwell. An excellent exposition of the history of food and the way it is prepared through a collection of recipes dating from ancient Egypt to the present day. The author is British and the recipes are typically from Europe or the United States. Reading […]

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Brief Review. Jerusalem by Yotam Ottolenghi and Sami Tamimi

Jerusalem: A Cookbook by Yotam Ottolenghi and Sami Tamimi A beautiful cookbook of recipes from Jerusalem. Clearly written recipes with beautifully photographed food. Recipes that are exotic to me but seem to be common to Jerusalem and the varied cultures there.

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Brief review: The Forgiven by Lawrence Osborne

The Forgiven: A Novel by Lawrence Osborne. Life changing events sometimes need forgiveness. If you experience a life-changing event, do you need to be forgiven? Are you responsible? Osborne gives such a full and rich description of an opulent 3-day weekend party in Morocco, you can feel the heat. You’re irritated by the sand. He […]

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Brief review: Walks With Men by Ann Beattie

Walks With Men by Ann Beattie. Novella. Interesting, but some parts seem undeveloped which is sometimes characteristic of a novella. That is understandable, but, still I felt like I was left in a situation that needed more explanation in  order for me to make sense of it.

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Brief Review: The Rebels by Sándor Márai

The Rebels (Vintage International) I’m not sure how we discovered Sándor Márai, but after reading his work it seems I should have known about him. His novels are what we expect from literature. A deep interpretation of the human condition expressed in a thoughtful, elegant manner with enough complexity make it extraordinary.

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