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Brief review. Sacrifice Fly by Tim O’Mara

Sacrifice Fly by Tim O’Mara The first crime novel by Tim O’Mara. It is nicely crafted and a good story, too. Better to read this before his second crime novel as that one is a bit better.

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Brief review. Crooked Numbers (Raymond Donne Mysteries) by Tim O’Mara

Crooked Numbers (Raymond Donne Mysteries) by Tim O’Mara A very accessible and interesting tale of a teacher’s and former policeman’s involvement in uncovering the mysterious surroundings of a former student’s death. Set in Brooklyn and Manhattan with a decent comparison of the differing cultures on each side of the Brooklyn Bridge up through Central Park […]

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Brief Review. Outrage: An Inspector Erlendur Novel by Arnaldur Indridason

Outrage: An Inspector Erlendur Novel by Arnaidur Indridason. Another captivating crime thriller by Indridason. The good side, the warts of Inspector Erlendur carry through this sordid tale. Indridason tackles the issues for the victim, the family of a victim of drug-induced date rape.

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Brief Review. Operation Napoleon: A Thriller (Reykjavik Thriller) by Arnaldur Indridason

OpOperation Napoleon: A Thriller (Reykjavik Thriller) by Arnaldur Indridason Set in modern Iceland, as all of Indridason books that I’ve read. In addition to the thrills and suspense this puts an emphasis on the feelings of Icelanders towards the U.S. that occupies an air base and military compound. It isn’t until the end of the book […]

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Brief Review. Black Skies: An Inspector Erlendur Novel by Arnaldur Indridason

Black Skies: An Inspector Erlendur Novel by Arnaldur Indridason Interesting development of the personality of Sigurdur Oli one of the two detectives that works with Erlendur. Delving into his shortcomings in personal relations and his own efforts at coming to understand himself. In this novel as in another, Inspector Erlendur is not present. The story […]

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Brief Review. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho A story of purity of purpose and intention. COnstantly stressing morals. Learn your passion and follow it regardless of the cost. You will be rewarded in the end.

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Brief Review. Sidetracked: A Kurt Wallander Mystery (5) by Henning Mankell

Sidetracked: A Kurt Wallander Mystery (5) by Henning Mankell Another good Wallander mystery. The interesting writing keeps you reading at steady pace, wanting to know what comes next. The usual cast of characters in the police. This was the second time I’ve read this and it was as interesting as the first read.

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Brief Review. Silence of the Grave (Reykjavik Murder Mysteries, No. 2) by Arnaldur Indridason

Silence of the Grave (Reykjavik Murder Mysteries, No. 2) by Arnaldur Indridason This was the 3rd book I read written by Indridason. The writing is interesting and not flamboyant. A specific Icelandic slant to it all. Keeping in the tradition of modern mystery writers, the mystery to be solve is only one part of the […]

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Brief review. The Keeper of Lost Causes: The First Department Q Novel (A Department Q) by Jussi Adler-Olsen

The Keeper of Lost Causes: The First Department Q Novel (A Department Q) by Jussi Adler-Olsen A detective comes back to work after a colleague is killed and anther paralyzed. His heart isn’t in it and he is relegated to an office in the basement with a Syrian refugee who is more than his documents […]

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Brief Review. Better to Rest (Liam Campbell Mysteries, Book 4) by Dana Stabenow

Better to Rest (Liam Campbell Mysteries, Book 4) by Dana Stabenow A mystery set in Alaska, as is the case in other books by Dana Stabenow. The protagonist in this one is Liam Campbell, an Alaska State Trooper. It seems a little slow going at times with no big surprises in the story line but […]

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