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Brief review. The Blood Split by Asa Larsson

The Blood Spilt by Asa Larsson The second in Asa Larsson’s first published trilogy. Same location – northern Sweden- as Rebecka dealing with the mental trauma from the events in the first book does not go back to her career in Oslo but stays near where she lived as a girl.

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Brief review. The Twelfth Department by William Ryan

The Twelfth Department by William Ryan Set in Stalinist Moscow an engaging mystery where suspicions are more powerful than deeds in some cases. Good characters and suspense.

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Brief Review: In the Beginning …was the Command Line by Neal Spephenson

In the Beginning…was the Command Line A short, interesting book that is a related series of essays about the relationship between Unix or Linux with a way to understand a computer. This is overlaid with a discussion of the superiority of Unix/Linux to the major windowed operating systems, OsX and Windows.

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Brief Review: Man in the Dark by Paul Auster

Man in the Dark: A Novel I love reading Paul Auster. Following his stories as they go in and out of fantasy and reality. In “The Man in the Dark”, the man creates a story in which he is bewildered, loved, and final destroyed as he tries to reconcile two realities, and his own fate. […]

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Brief Review: Death With Interruptions by Jose Saramago

Death with Interruptions Jose Saramago was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1998. As you read Death With Interruptions you get to know why he was given the prize, and you feel ready to nominate him for another. The story is of a time in a country where no one dies, because death (with […]

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Brief Review: Service Included by Phoebe Damrosch

Service Included: Four-Star Secrets of an Eavesdropping Waiter A witty and informative story of a woman who works her way up to the wait staff of a four-star NY restaurant, Per Se. This very readable book goes through the establishment of a new restaurant, and it’s striving for a great review from the NY Times […]

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In the Beginning … Was the Command Line

In the Beginning…was the Command Line A short, interesting book that is a related series of essays about the relationship between Unix or Linux with a way to understand a computer. This is overlayed with a discussion of the superiority of Unix/Linux to the major windowed operating systems, OsX and Windows. A particularly interesting and […]

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