This recipe is taken from THE LILLY WALLACE NEW AMERICAN COOK BOOK, the 1949 edition of this classic cookbook. From the introduction, “The New American Cookbook has been planned from cover to cover with an aim and purpose not found in any other book – to provide and present the way to successful modern cooking and feeding in terms so simplified that anyone  who can read may cook and cater right.”
I don’t remember when or where we bought this cook book, although I am fairly sure it was likely about 40 years ago, in the early 1970s. We got it either as a collection of items at an auction in central Pennsylvania or at a yard sale. Â Two days ago, we had just gotten a nice head of broccoli form the Belnheim Farms Fall CSA, and I was looking for a way to prepare it. I have been reading History of Food in 100 Recipes by Sitwell, William [Collins,2012] [Hardcover]Â and thought I’d check one of our older cookbooks for a way to prepare broccoli. THE LILLY WALLACE NEW AMERICAN COOK BOOK
 has over 3000 recipes, but only one for broccoli! I tried it and it turned out to be very nice. The recipe int he book calls for cooking the broccoli in water for much longer than we prefer, the shorter cooking time reflecting current thinking regarding texture of cooked vegetables and nutrition. Here is my version of recipe 1734.
- 1 bunch broccoli
- 2 tablespoons minced onion
- 3 tablespoons buter
- Salt — Pepper
- juice of 1/2 lemon
“Cut off woody portions of broccoli and the large outer leaves. Wash and soak in salted water for a few minutes.” Â Divide the flowerettes of broccoli, checking for worms (especially if you grow the broccoli yourself or it is not purchased in a store. “Then cook, uncovered, in boiling salted water” so that the broccoli is bright green and slightly crisp. “Saute onion in butter until lightly browned. Add salt, pepper, and lemon juice. Add broccoli and heat 1 minute. Serves 4.”
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