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UMW near the bottom of the list of state appropriations

The January 9, 2006 Daily Report from The Chronicle of Higher Education contained the following item.

STATE SPENDING for higher education grew at the fastest rate in five years during the current fiscal year, allowing colleges in much of the nation to regain their financial balance after a series of tight budgets, according to an analysis released today by the Center for the Study of Education Policy, at Illinois State University. See

That is certainly good news for higher education. However, the table of allocations for Virginia has the University of Mary Washington near the bottom of the list for the state appropriations in thousands of dollars for Virginia. Also the persent increase was below the average for the state, 7.7 %.

Virginia Commonwealth U $162,416 +9.9%
Virginia Tech $155,332 +6.9%
U of Virginia $130,424 +8.9%
George Mason U $108,808 +10.7%
Old Dominion U $85,633 +10.2%
James Madison U $64,077 +10.6%
Norfolk State U $41,967 +4.5%
College of William and Mary $41,292 +5.3%
Radford U $39,451 +8.0%
Virginia State U $28,149 +4.8%
Christopher Newport U $24,153 +9.4%
Longwood U $22,004 +16.2%
U of Mary Washington $16,091 +7.2%
Virginia Military Institute $13,075 +2.5%
U of Virginia’s College at Wise $10,957 +13.4%
Community colleges $333,403 +8.4%

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