The Baklava Club: A Novel (Investigator Yashim)
by Jason Godwin
Having visited Istanbul I enjoyed reading this mystery/novel set in 19th Century Istanbul and written with historical accuracy. The plot moves along although I was disappointed in having guessed the primary perpetrator of one of several murders. However, the story is interspersed with descriptions of local life and culture.
Recipes are included as well including this one for zucchini cakes: Â Grate a zucchini and put it in a colander. “Yashim broke two eggs in a bowl with a cup of clour and beat them together. He gave the zucchini a final squeeze and mixed them in. Â On the board he chopped onions with a handful of dill and parsley, and pounded some garlic in the mortar with a pinch of salt. He swept it all into the zucchini mixture and stirred it around. Finally he set an open pan n the the heat, and threw in butter and oil.” This book is the last of a series with Yashim, but it was the first I read. Nicely done and an enjoyable read.
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