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Brief review. The Boy in the Snow: An Edie Kiglatuk Mystery by M. J. McGrath

The Boy in the Snow: An Edie Kiglatuk Mystery by M J McGrath This is the 2nd in the series of three books by M. J. McGrath that I’ve read. This one has several of the same characters as the others – Edie Kiglatuk and Derek Palliser. This one takes place in Alaska – far […]

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Brief review. I Can See in the Dark by Karin Fossum

I Can See in the Dark by Karin Fossum The character described in this book is likable, mentally ill, dangerous, and pathetic. Ms Fossum has done an excellent job of describing this person and his actions, from his point of view. In his words and through his feelings and rationalizations. Now to read more of her […]

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Brief review. The Miniaturist: A Novel by Jessie Burton

The Miniaturist: A Novel by Jessie Burton The end of the 1600s in Amsterdam, its power beginning to wane. A very interesting view into a relatively short period of a new wife arriving into a well-established and affluent household with its rules and secrets. There are many rules and one fundamental secret! Nicely written and […]

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Brief review. The Bone Seeker: An Edie Kiglatuk Mystery (Edie Kiglatuk Mysteries) by M. J. McGrath

The Bone Seeker: An Edie Kiglatuk Mystery (Edie Kiglatuk Mysteries) by M. J. McGrath The third in McGrath’s series of mysteries featuring Edie Kiglatuk and Derek Pallister. Edie is the primary protagonist. They both live in the Canadian Arctic. She is a private citizen who often works as a teacher or guide. He is a regional policeman […]

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Recipe for Beet & Orange salad

Beets are in season now and we’ve been getting some great ones from Blenhiem Organic Gardens at the Fredericksburg Farmers Market.  Here’s a recipe for a salad of beets and oranges. It has a great marinade for the beets too. Citrus Marinated Beet Salad : The Broken Bread Tried a variation of this tonight. Less […]

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A Place to Bury Strangers – news, interviews

A Place To Bury StrangersLocomotiv, Bologna (text and photos of Mark Calo) | Relics Controsuoni review/description of show in Bologna, Italy in April 2015 A Place to Bury Strangers grew some rhythmic balls | Georgia Straight Vancouver’s News & Entertainment “I think that we are a psychedelic band,” he insists. “A lot of […]

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Brief Review. The Janissary Tree: A Novel by Jason Goodwin

The Janissary Tree: A Novel The first in the series of books by Jason Goodwin with protagonist Inspector Yashim, an eunuch with connection to the Sultan and his mother in 19th century Istanbul. A pleasant low-suspense mystery that allows the reader to get Goodwin’s insights into the politics, culture, and daily lives in Istanbul in […]

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Eggplant Cheese Cake

After requesting Yotam Ottolenghi’s book Plenty More: Vibrant Vegetable Cooking from London’s Ottolenghi I felt compelled to find a recipe and cook it. Since it is early July there are lots of eggplant available at our local farmers market, so I settled on Eggplant Cheesecake. His recipe is available online at Yotam Ottolenghi’s aubergine ‘cheesecake ‘ […]

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Brief review. White Heat: The First Edie Kiglatuk Mystery (Edie Kiglatuk Mysteries) by M. J. McGrath

White Heat: The First Edie Kiglatuk Mystery (Edie Kiglatuk Mysteries) Edie Kiglatuk is a woman of half Inuit heritage. She lives in one of the Canadian portions of the Arctic very near Greenland. She’s an accomplished hunter and guide. A person who can deal with much of the modern world but also held in another […]

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Brief review. The Woman and the Ape by Peter Høeg

The Woman and the Ape A nice treatment of the conflicts between our manufactured perfection and the perfection of the natural world. The woman comes from her perfect world and an ape, capable of speech and intelligence we often associate with humans is captured from his world. The two come together, live together in an […]

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