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3 Crosses in Bolar, Virginia. View du Jour, June 28, 2018
We were near the end of our visit to Highland County, VA having spent a week in the Wilson House not too far from Monterey, Virginia. A friend mentioned an abandoned swimming pool in Bolar, Virginia. Riding back to our place from Monterey we decided to take a ride along Rt. 220 not sure where […]
Tagged Bolar VA, crosses, trees, view du jourFerns, View du Jour. June 6, 2018
An early June morning. I went to the back of our property near the creek. There is a very nice stand of ferns on the opposite side of the creek, not cultivated but encouraged. The regularity of the fonds always interests me. This is a photo of one that exemplifies that regularity and symmetry.
Tagged ferns, symmetry, view du jourInsect in bee balm, View du Jour 6/20/2018
We had some folks over for a barbecue, the Shekanino kids. Just to take a break, around dusk I took a quick walk in the front yard. The light was very complimentary to some lavender bee balm that was just starting to bloom so I tried to get as close as I could. After the […]
Tagged bee balm, insect, view du jourA Place to Bury Strangers – Pinned – 5th Album
A Place to Bury Strangers are releasing Pinned, their 5th album, on April 13. They also have tours in Europe and North America planned starting in March. Here are links to news about the album and the tour. A Place to Bury Strangers prep ‘Pinned’ LP, share “Never Coming Back,†touring Brooklyn Vegan (blog) Brooklyn […]
Tagged a place to bury strangers, album, pinned, tour 2018Short Review: Smitten Kitchen Every Day by Deb Perlman
Deb Perlman’s recipes are some of my favorites. I often check her site first when I’m looking for a recipe or an idea of ways to use some ingredients we have. For example, the recipe I mention below was selected because we had bought 2 bushels of apples and wanted to make a treat with […]
Tagged cookbook, Deb Perlman, ginger, smitten kitchenButterfly visitor in late October
We don’t ‘clean-up’ our garden in Fall by pulling flowers that are still in bloom or vegetables that show promise for producing a bit more. Yesterday we were happy to see a monarch butterfly seemingly enjoying the remaining blooms. Sad to say that in about two weeks or so the flowers and many of the […]
Eating in New Orleans
Lynn and I took a trip to  New Orleans this past Spring. We arrived on Easter Sunday and met up with our friends Patrick & Paula the next day and stayed until the following Monday – eight nights in all. Aside from Lynn’s unfortunate accident – she tripped on the street and fell on her face which […]
Tagged New Orleans, restaurantsAPTBS Tour Diary by The Photoladies
A nice collection of photos taken during the APTBS spring tour by a variety of talented photographers. A Place to Bury Strangers Tour Diary 4.24.17 – Cleveland, OH – Beachtend Tavern -Â Judie Vegh 4.25.17 – Louisville, KY – Zanzabar -Â Emily May 5.2.17 – Brooklyn, NY – Brooklyn Steel -Â Em Grey 5.6.17 – Toronto, ON – […]
Tagged aptbs, photolladies
About dying – when the river stops
I recently read I Curse the River of Time by Per Petterson. AN introspective story of son and Mother. The title comes form a quote of Chairman Mao. Time does not stand still, things change. Petterson makes an excellent observation about dying, when the river stops. “.. but when it came to dying, I was […]
Tagged book, per petterson, petterson, quoteCommentary Comments (0)