Onwards to the Wall links for February 6, 2012
- A Place To Bury Strangers Announce UK/EU Tour | Altsounds.com News – “Lead MP3 “So Far Away” takes all the pure pop perfection of The Box Tops’ “The Letter” and shoots it through with a barely-harnessed dark energy and snarling propulsion. The collage video for “So Far Away” was created by frontman Oliver Ackermann using the iPhone application Hipstamatic. Ackermann got the idea after importing some photos from his phone to his computer and watching them flash in quick succession across the screen:”
review onwards to the wall a place to bury strangers aptbs - A Place to Bury Strangers: Onwards to the Wall EP | Album Reviews | Pitchfork – “It isn’t to say there aren’t some great little moments tucked in here and there. “Nothing Will Surprise Me” brings in bracing cat-in-heat guitar moans over a hardcore backbeat, plus there’s the aforementioned “I Lost You”. But it means we’re left with three other tracks that are characterless at best. I’ve never been too big a fan of Ackermann’s goth-y, dead-eyed delivery, but it seems here as if the music is using his vocals as something of a guiding light. It amounts to a mostly homogenous, toothless EP that seems to be aiming for a greater appeal, but ends up appealing very little.”
review a place to bury strangers aptbs - The Fire Note: A Place To Bury Strangers: Onwards To The Wall [EP] – “The record’s catchiest track, “So Far Away”, has everything going for it as the song grinds quickly with a foot tapping beat while lead singer Oliver Ackermann calmly sings around, over and through its haze while different instruments ring out of your speakers. It is this type of creative song structure that makes APTBS worth every minute you give them.”
a place to bury strangers onwards to the wall review aptbs - NME Reviews – A Place To Bury Strangers – ‘Onwards To The Wall’ – NME.COM – ” For a band able to summon such foreboding it’s over remarkably quickly but, like having your head stuck in a tin bath while someone crashes cymbals across each side, the after-effects will leave you staggering for far longer. ”
onwards to the wall a place to bury strangers review aptbs nme
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