“Fishnet stockings, static-y sunglasses, and an eyeball rapidly mutating between different psychedelic tints all make appearances in this video that burns your retinas and could possibly contain hypnotic subliminal messages that will enslave your mind to the will of shoegaze thrash – in a good way, of course.”
I think APTBS are one the best bands to come out of New York in awhile.
“These guys are easily the best band I was introduced to last year”
“As the silhouettes of A Place To Bury Strangers were seen exiting through the fog, the crowd snapped out of their collective trance and gave the band a hearty and fully conscious send-off. An awesome set that really raised my opinion and awareness of this band, and I’ll now be hunting out their back catalogue.”
“Taking time out to put your personal finances in gear can reap both immediate and long-term benefits, from cashing gift cards to reallocating investments. This checklist can help you formulate a strategy, providing tips, the time needed to achieve them, and links to additional resources. For each category, Ron Lieber, the Your Money columnist, offers his insights on video. You can customize your list by removing items to suit your strategy, and then print a personalized list of the items you plan on tackling today.”
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