“A Place To Bury Strangers
Interview Audio: A Place To Bury Strangers Interview. Oliver from New York residents A Place To Bury Strangers chatted to Tom before the Nottingham leg of their European tour at the Bodega.” -
“It’s something you’re either going to love or hate but I happen to fall into the former category. Their performance was enhanced by trippy lighting that projected patterned light on the entire band making it an extremely stimulating aural and visual experience.”
“After exchanging pleasantries with fans outside the gig beforehand, lead singer Oliver Ackermann leads his band on stage and simply exudes the presence of a front man. Well, that’s if you can even see him or the rest of the band – with the smoke machines working overtime, the crowd are mostly left the peer through an every changing coloured mist as the hyperactive lightshow illuminates the venue.”
“APtBS are more than simple volume, much more. The sound they produce is meticulously constructed. The foundations are provided by Jay Space, his drumming, relentless and happily devoid of frills. On bass guitar, Jono Mofo, a tough Welsh/New Yorker who punches out a bass line as hard as nails. Chief architect and master builder is Oliver Ackermann, once more famous for his ‘Death by Audio’ effects pedals used by the likes of Kevin Shields, U2, Serena Maneesh, Airiel and Alcian Blue, to name but a few. Ackermann possesses a rare skill, much of it learnt through years of experimentation, a lot of it just good old-fashioned talent, he can craft sound.”
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