“Their shoe-gazing heavy debut was one of 2007’s finest albums. Pulled together from demo recordings, it nevertheless left a great impression upon all those who heard it. So there was much excitement when we received the amazing follow up Exploding Head (reviewed here). Adrian Mules caught up with singer/guitarist/effects-pedal-wizard Oliver to try and find out where the all the bones have been secreted … “
“Skywave are one of the greatest shoegaze bands ever, and undoubtedly the greatest band from my hometown of Fredericksburg, VA and to attend Stafford High School. Between 1995 and 2004, the band (Paul Baker, Oliver Ackermann, and John Fedowitz) released three LPs and seven EPs. When the band went in separate directions, Baker and Fedowitz started Ceremony, and Ackermann started A Place To Bury Strangers.”
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