Preparing for my Introduction to Computer Science class, CPSC 110, this morning I stumbled upon the notion that it would be pretty neat if I could discuss TTS methods using Python. I was starting to prepare somethign on functions and was looking at a function from the Zelle’s excellent book that displays the text to the Happy Birthday song.
Finding an implementation of tts in Python was necessary, of course.
I found these instructions for a Windows system at, and they worked well.
” Yes, you can let your computer read text to you. The task is relatively easy, if you have Windows on your machine. All you need is Microsoft’s speech-API SAPI, the Python Text to Speech module pyTTS, and an updated version of win32com, all free downloads. Here are some experiments with the pyTTS module that literally talk to you.”
For my students I’ve put all the necessary parts in the directory I keep for CSPC 110 on
SAPI5SpeechInstaller..> Microsoft's speech-API SAPI
pyTTS-3.0.win32-py2...> pyTTS 3.0 for Python 2.5
pywin32-210.win32-py..> pywin32 for Python 5.0
U.S. Deaths Confirmed By The DoD: | 4010 |
Reported U.S. Deaths Pending DoD Confirmation: | 2 |
Total | 4012 |
DoD Confirmation List
Latest Coalition Fatality: Mar 31, 2008
Source: Iraqi Coalition Casualty Count
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