As usual, a collection of links to reviews and news from blogs and a variety of Web sites about A Place to Bury Strangers. We start with a link to a 40+ minute video of the band’s performance in Amsterdam in November. The video is well done, and worth the view.
42 miinute video of aptbs in amsterdam nov20 2009. This is really worth the view, if you like APtBS (and who doesn’t?)
“Lead guitarist/vocalist Oliver Ackermann uses the pedals and special effects boxes he builds for his company Death By Audio brilliantly throughout. Though this band is deafening, there’s so much melody and rhythm in these songs. “
“Brooklyn’s A Place to Bury Strangers and their U.K. shoegazing cousins The Big Pink will tour America together next spring.”
The most seizure-inducing, head-exploding, ear-bleeding extravaganza of a tour ever has been announced.
““New York’s loudest band†is set to hit the road with one of West London’s noisiest for one of the most appealing bills of Spring 2010, if a big, bad wall-of-sound is your bag.”
“It had to happen. As winter turns to spring, two of the finest current practitioners of swagger-drenched, ear-bleeding noise-pop– the sort of thing that used to see heavy rotation on “120 Minutes”– will cross North America America together. London’s the Big Pink and New York’s A Place to Bury Strangers like their guitars dangerously loud, their drums mechanistic, and their hair elaborately messy, so this pairing just makes sense.”
The kicker is that “Exploding Head†feels whole instead of a handful of winners surrounded by filler. I hope to hear more in the future and look forward to the further interpretation of shoegaze by a band who definitely understands its elements.
“The recurring guitar riff is a thing of absolute beauty, making the song feel like a classic from the get-go.”
“When the album stops you realise that you have just come out of a shoegazing war and that A Place To Bury Strangers are the generals leading you into battle.”
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