Fredericksburg Songwriters' Showcase Andrew Gregory

andrew gregory

Listening to his songs, you wouldn’t know that Andrew Gregory was a skinny twenty two year old redhead from the mountains of Appalachia. You might think he was a 75 year old retired trucker, a space-traveler, a yuppie assaulted by midlife insecurities, the soul of a love-smitten laundromat, or even the oft-romanticized sky-bandit D.B. Cooper. You would definitely be mesmerized. Andrew’s music, which has drawn comparisons to the music of James Taylor, Paul Simon, Tom Waits, and John Prine, speaks with breadth and depth beyond his years. While traveling across the United States and the world with a guitar on his back, he has learned to write what he sees with an uncanny insight and unmeasured clarity – and he has seen some truly strange and marvelous sights.

Andrew began to play guitar and write songs at the ripe old age of twenty, and rapidly developed an adoring fan base at his alma mater, Swarthmore College. After an extended globe-trotting trip (which included stints in a Vietnamese Buddhist monastery and an isolated French goat farm), he began to play gigs in the Philadelphia area in the fall of 2003. A relaxed but energizing performer, Andrew’s unforgettable melodies and intricate guitar voicings quickly began to catch ears and turn heads. In the few short months before his graduation, he shared the stage with a number of national touring phenomenons, including Julia Othmer, The Dolly Ranchers, Odd Man Out, James Harvey, and Ellipsis.

Andrew has also had the luxury of being taken under the wing of singer-songwriter guru Tom Prasada-Rao. For the last three years, the two of them have taught songwriting together at the University of Virginia’s Young Writers’ Workshop in Charlottesville, a program which immerses high school students in intense songwriting workshops. Through teaching the craft of songwriting, Andrew continues to expand his own unique voice, pushing his songwriting and performance style forward in leaps and bounds.

Andrew is currently wrapping up work on his first album, which is being produced by Tom Prasada-Rao. He has left Philadelphia and returned to his mountain home in Radford, Virginia, to focus on writing, recording, and performing his music.

Page put together (with info & pics from Bob Gramann ) by Ernest Ackermann.
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