Fredericksburg Songwriters' Showcase | Gene Mills |
Gene Mills is a singer, songwriter, and guitarist based in Richmond, Virginia. His music is acoustic Americana—folk tinged with bluegrass and country. After making a living as a solo and ensemble musician in and around Charlottesville, Virginia from the late 1970s to the mid 1980s, he scaled back performing to study philosophy, which he now teaches at Virginia Commonwealth University. In 2004, he started performing regularly again, together with his wife, Gayla, on bass. Two of his songs (Anna Mae and Fool’s Gold) have been recorded by other musicians (Steve Smith and the Alan Munde Gazette). Ten of the 13 songs on his 2008 CD Waiting for Rain
has been receiving regular radio airplay on several stations—not just in Virginia but in Chicago and Texas as well. Mike Flynn included the title song in his nationally syndicated Folk Sampler, and Click and Clack featured Gene’s song Carburetor on NPR’s Car Talk.
Visit Gene and Gayla Mills's Web site.
put together (with info & pics from Bob
Gramann ) by Ernest Ackermann.
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