Fredericksburg Songwriters' Showcase Jennifer Erb

With the release of her new CD, City of Rust, Jennifer Erb has hit the music scene running, captivating audiences everywhere she performs. She has a dynamic style, that can remind you of Tracy Chapman, Loreena McKennitt, and Dar Williams all at once as she combines Celtic, Middle Eastern, Blues and Popular Folk influences with one of the most captivating voices in contemporary folk today.

"There is a distinctive warmth to her voice that is unforgettable, and she is a song writer with a unique vision that speaks to us all " (April Hilger Hampton--Aurora Borealis Productions.)

It is the gripping quality Of Jennifer's voice, combined with the intensely personal and political poetry of her lyrics that has led her to be selected as one of the performers for RAINN; earned her a slot at the Ark Showcase; and won her awards for "Voice of the Year", "Contemporary Folk-Sound Artist of the Year", and "Song Lyrics of the Year" for her song "City of Rust." (-Aurora Borealis Productions)

Jennifer studied music at Northwestern University first as a voice major, and then later switching to the field of ethnomusicology as she discovered her love for folk music. She has studied with classical vocalist Carmen Mebta, blues guitarist Sheri Kane, and numerous musicians whom she met in the pubs of Ireland during her three month stay there.

Although she has been singing since she was a little girl, Jennifer did not began her career as a singer song-writer until college when she took on the project of organizing a Woman in the Arts Coffee House to celebrate Women's Week. It was there that she saw, for the first time, the ability of music to bring people together to create a space for dialogue and change. From that moment, she knew what she wanted to do, and so she began to play at local coffee houses and school events. Since that time, Jennifer has developed a growing following wherever she performs.

She has performed at events such as Take Back the Night and Earthday as well as at numerous venues throughout the Midwest and East Coast. She has also been a featured performer on radio programs such as Yazoo City Callin', Pandora's Lunch box, and Live From Cleveland.

In 1998 Jennifer came out with her first demo CD Collage, and in 1999, Niteskool Productions' recorded and released her song " $ 15 For Your Soul" for the Volition CD. Jennifer has just released her first full album City of Rust and it is now available for purchase.


Page put together (with info & pics from Bob Gramann ) by Ernest Ackermann.
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