Fredericksburg Songwriters' Showcase | Erik Balkey |
Erik Balkey writes too many songs. Since 2002, he's spent much of his time traveling armed with a pen, notebook, paint brushes, rollers and buckets. Picking up housepainting jobs, he sustains his travels while writing songs. He's written a hundred songs in the past two years alone collaborating with a couple dozen writers including Phil Roy, Jonathan Byrd, Tom Prasada-Rao, Pat Wictor and Amy Speace. Recently, he's started a new venture: custom songwriting. Along with his latest solo release, "Deadpan Alley," Balkey released a 21-song collection of custom songs that he wrote in 2007 called "Family Album." The collection features the voices of 25 different artists including Karen Mal, Buddy Mondlock, Laurie MacAllister and Chris Rosser.
put together (with info & pics from Bob
Gramann ) by Ernest Ackermann.
Send rants/rave to above mentioned Ackermann
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