January 07, 2007

Recycling your computer

A friend has been organizing his work space at home and had a few computers that he didn't need any more, and asked for some advice on selling them, donating them, or otherwise getting rid of them. The most expedient thing to do in this area, if the computer and/or monitor is in working condition, is to take it to the local landfill where they have a special container for working electronic devices. It is really important that a computer and monitor are disposed of properly since they contain potentially hazardous materials. It also is a great idea to recycle the computer and monitor as someone will be able to use the device or parts of it.

We recently purchased a computer from Dell. They have a program whereby you can recycle your computer and/or monitor. A shipping label is included with the packaging material and if you pack your old computer and monitor in the box, it will be pocked up for free. HP has a similar program.

Here is a list of three resources about recycling computers.

When I come across other resources, they'll be put into my delicious list of URLS with the tags recycle and computer, http://del.icio.us/ernestackermann/recycle+computer.

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Posted by ernie at January 7, 2007 07:39 PM
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