August 29, 2006

Notes on Classes, August 29, 2006

First day of classes today. Things seems to go well. Got students in to the lab the first day. No big glitches.

CPSC 110 Gave out instructions for starting to use paprika. A couple of password issues, but we had good support from Bob Gartland and David Dean. Weldon Burt is the lab aide.

For next time: ask students for goals for the course, have students answer the questions on the instructions sheet, have them come up with something that a computer scientist does, and, if time permits, have them look at the computer use policy.

CPSC 321 Gave out instructions for starting to use paprika and for writing, compiling, and executing a Java program. The instructions included a reference to a JEDI course that has instructions on getting started with NetBeans. Most of the class started reading the instructions and working with NetBeans. Again, no glitches.

For next time: Ask students their goals for the course, start to talk about the material in Chapter 1 of the text. Have them copy the source files from the text to their directory and then put an existing project in to NetBeans.

Posted by ernie at August 29, 2006 08:17 PM
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