August 31, 2006

Notes on Classes; August 31, 2006

Second class meetings today. Still feeling my way.

CPSC 110 Original list of topics activities wasn't completed. But that's OK. I spent some time getting to know the students and hopefully they are getting to know each other a little better. It doesn't seem that there are more than 1 or 2 who might want to major in computer science. Next time I'll try to get more focused on getting to the task. We'll deal with the goals and then the ethics issues. Maybe I should make them more substantial.

For next time: ask students for goals for the course, have students answer the questions on the instructions sheet, have them come up with something that a computer scientist does, and, if time permits, have them look at the computer use policy. Some scenarios are available at
Also start talking about writing or generating a Web page for their work.

CPSC 321 Worked on the instructions in the list of topics for today. This involved a HW exercises and also some practice using NetBeans.

For next time: Ask students their goals for the course, start to talk about the material in Chapters 1 and 2 of the text. Point out the tutorials for NetBeans and get a schedule of presentations set. Start talking about exceptions.

And today's special is ..
Your ability to juggle many tasks will take you far. - fc

Posted by ernie at August 31, 2006 07:42 PM
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