January 03, 2006

Recently added bookmarks; January 3, 2005

Closet & Entryway Doors
We are looking for some ideas about doors for the remodeling project we've been involved in, and this seemed like a good site to consider. "Your closet doors make a statement about yourself and, as such, you should be able to express yourself. We believe that you should not have to settle for the mass produced stamped steel, hollow core or super-thin wood doors of the world. Instead we offer you another choice. 10 choices actually with each door design available in 80 standard sizes."

familydoctor.org - Health Information for the Whole Family
A site published by the American Academy of Family Physicians. They say, "The mission of the AAFP is to improve the health of patients, families, and communities by serving the needs of members with professionalism and creativity." The site has links to information in the categories Healthy Living, Men, Women, and so on.

Frequently Answered Questions: Image Resources
An entry in the blog "Frequently Answered Questions, Questions answered by the Distance Education Librarian at Buley Library, Southern Connecticut State University." A nice idea for a blog. The entry contains an explanation of some of the copyright issues involved in using images and fair use. It also contains annotated links to resources for images that can be freely used.

Games for the Brain
A collection of online games and puzzles compiled by Philipp Lenssen. "Play neverending quiz & memory games to train your thinking." Check out some of his other sites at http://www.outer-court.com/

Greener Lifestyles
An online store or natural, fair trade goods. Includes furniture and gifts.

Sensible Forms: A Form Usability Checklist
An article in A List Apart by Brian Crescimanno. As you'd expect, the focus is on providing forms that are designed for people using the form, not designed for a programmer.

Simpson Door - handcrafted exterior and interior doors
Another link related to that remodeling project.

A Web service for uploading, tagging, and sharing videos. No charge to set up an account.

Wikipedia, academia and Seigenthaler
A thoughtful commentary by Danah Boyd on the issues related to dealing with wikipedia's resources in an academic environemnt. "I am worried about how academics are treating Wikipedia and i think that it comes from a point of naivety. Wikipedia should never be the sole source for information. It will never have the depth of original sources. It will also always contain bias because society is inherently biased, although its efforts towards neutrality are commendable. These are just realizations we must acknowledge and support. But what it does have is a huge repository of information that is the most accessible for most people. Most of the information is more accurate than found in a typical encyclopedia and yet, we value encyclopedias as a initial point of information gathering. It is also more updated, more inclusive and more in-depth. Plus, it's searchable and in the hands of everyone with digital access (a much larger population than those with encyclopedias in their homes). It also exists in hundreds of languages and is available to populations who can't even imagine what a library looks like. Yes, it is open. This means that people can contribute what they do know and that others who know something about that area will try to improve it. Over time, articles with a lot of attention begin to be inclusive and approximating neutral. The more people who contribute, the stronger and more valuable the resource. Boycotting Wikipedia doesn't make it go away, but it doesn't make it any better either."

And today's special is ..
The artist is the man in any field, scientific or humanistic, who grasps the implications of his actions and of new knowledge in his own time. He is the man of integral awareness. - Marshall McLuhan


Posted by ernie at January 3, 2006 08:34 AM
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